
2017 Sketchbook Flip-Through

Hi there. How are you?

I recently used the last page in my current sketchbook.

It's fun to look back at all the drawings I've completed over the past 9 months in my trusty Moleskine. It's even good for me to look back at the failed drawings too. I've even gone back and reworked those once abandoned pages. (See a great example of that HERE.) 

I made a quick video of myself flipping through my 2017 sketchbook. I thought you'd be interested to see all 40 of the finished drawings along with the unfinished as well. 

So without any further adieu,

Here's the sketchbook flip through video, warts and all:

Click that arrow to start the video!

If you liked this, do check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel. There you can see all of my process videos. It is my intention to add more in the coming months . 

Well, that's all for now. Ciao!

A New Ballpoint Drawing Video

Hi there. How are you?

I've been doing a lot of drawings in my sketchbook lately. These new multi-color sketches are going to serve as backdrops for a new line of cards and prints I am designing. (More on that soon.)

I recorded another short time lapse video while I was drawing this in my sketchbook.

I recorded another short time lapse video while I was drawing this in my sketchbook.

I made a new video.

Since my last time lapse drawing video was so popular, I decided to record another while I was drawing in my sketchbook this weekend. You won't see the whole composition being drawn, but you do get a good 1:30 of drawing goodness.

Like what I do?

If you appreciate these videos, please consider patronizing my shop or contributing to my "Virtual Tip Jar".  I would love to upgrade my video set up and I need your help to make it happen.

Send a Virtual Tip

That's all for now.

I'll be back next week to share some of my new cards with you. Ciao.

Gone Viral

Hi there. How are you?

This image has gone totally viral on Pinterest!

This image has gone totally viral on Pinterest!

This image went viral on Pinterest.

In the last two weeks, it's been pinned over 47,000 times on Pinterest. That's plain crazy! If you're new around here, there's a good chance that this pin brought you here. (Click HERE to read the post where I originally shared and discussed these sketchbook drawings.

I've had a ton a new followers on all of my social media platforms, a tremendous amount of traffic to my blog, and loads of new email subscribers.

If this is your first time here, welcome! Why not stay a while and have a look around?

Would you like to go behind the scenes and watch me draw this piece from start to finish? Click through to join the email list.

Would you like to go behind the scenes and watch me draw this piece from start to finish? Click through to join the email list.

A process video was born.

Since going viral, I've been overwhelmed with requests to go behind the scenes. Fans want to know how I make these drawings. Now, I'm not going to give away all of my secrets, but I did record the entire drawing process from start to finish on my newest piece.

There are parts of this video that were recorded at regular speed, so you can see and understand how I build up my marks, and the rest was recorded in hyperlapse. In just under 5 minutes, you can see the how this drawing was created.

Want to see the video?

Join my email list!

You'll get a link to the video after confirming your email address. Expect emails from me about once a month with more behind the scenes content.  You'll also be first to know about about new work and exclusive sales. It's a party. Trust me!

The drawing that I created during filming is for sale in my shop. Click through to purchase.

The finished drawing that I created during filming.

That's all for now. More next week. Ciao!