artistic process

Spring 2020 Sketchbook Tour

Hi there. How are you?

When the “Stay at Home” order began in mid-March, I had grand plans. Working from home was going to give me so much time to work on my art and business. I was cooking up new products, a new logo, and maybe even a new e-course.

That grand plan was not to be.

This 3 month quarantine was not a break for me.

It kicked my ass.

Sure, there are some perks. I can roll out of bed and get straight to work in my pajamas. I can take a walk mid-day and then wear my gym clothes all day everyday. I can flex my hours, working 10 hours one day and 6 the next. And I still have a job! No complaints about that.


Even though the library has been closed, I've been working harder from home than I usually do at work. There’s a lot of moving pieces and people that still need my attention.

When I’m done with library work, I’m spent. On the weekends, I’m recovering and uninspired.

On top of that, my divorce was finalized during this stretch, and I've been working through all of the emotion that comes with the end of a relationship. ⁠

Even though I wasn’t showing up, you still were.

I’ve been selling e-courses, tea towels, and postcards like crazy during my studio shutdown. Thank you for that! It’s so nice to know that my hard work is appreciated, even during my creative hiatus.

This week, I suddenly felt a shift.

It’s time for me to work for myself again. I'm feeling good and whole and I'm ready to dive into the next chapter of my small business. Enough of this working for “the man!” (Well, I’m still working for the man, but you get what I mean, right?)

It’s currently Memorial Day weekend and I have no plans, other than to be home and work. I’ve got a new products to design, drawings to complete and updates to make.

My first priority was to check in with my creative community.

So here goes.

Though art has been on the back burner, I have been “couch drawing” from time to time during this quarantine. With the exception of the first drawing below I’ve been working in my tiny 3.5” x 5.5” Moleskine sketchbook.

* HEADS UP: As an Amazon Influencer, I earn a small commission when you purchase the through the links in this post. It's a small way to support the work I do without any cost to you. (Thank you!)

Here’s 5 months worth of drawing:

A drawing a month isn’t so bad I guess.

Sketchbook drawings from January 2020, when the world was still somewhat normal.

Sketchbook drawings from January 2020, when the world was still somewhat normal.

Can’t get enough Parker

I’m still really smitten with my Parker pen. I prefer it above any other pen. Thus, I’ve been mainly working in blue and black. Maybe someday Parker will produce refills in other colors. Until then, you’ll probably see me work in black and blue a lot. (Read my review of the Parker Jotter HERE.)

Early pandemic drawings.

Early pandemic drawings.

My lone April sketch in emerald green.

My lone April sketch in emerald green.

UK Bic Crystals are awesome!

This lovely emerald green is part of a set of Bic Crystals I purchased from the UK. Fair warning, you’re going to pay more in shipping than you will for the pens, but they’re worth it! The range of colors in this set is fantastic.

I worked on this drawing through most of the month of May. Not whole lot of drawing happened in this quarantine.

I worked on this drawing through most of the month of May. Not whole lot of drawing happened in this quarantine.

I started this drawing all in violet. When I finished, it just wasn’t doing it for me, so I added the blue to give it more dimension and variety. I could take that blue further, but now I'm tired of this one. A month is a long time to work on one drawing. ⁠

I do hope that it won’t be another month before I update this blog. I have some ideas brewing, and I really hope I can keep up the momentum I’ve built up over this creative long weekend.

So now, I’d love to hear from you…

Has the quarantine been a creative or a quiet time for you?

Do tell! Leave me a comment below or drop me a line.

That’s all for now.

Ciao, Jen

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Gone Viral

Hi there. How are you?

This image has gone totally viral on Pinterest!

This image has gone totally viral on Pinterest!

This image went viral on Pinterest.

In the last two weeks, it's been pinned over 47,000 times on Pinterest. That's plain crazy! If you're new around here, there's a good chance that this pin brought you here. (Click HERE to read the post where I originally shared and discussed these sketchbook drawings.

I've had a ton a new followers on all of my social media platforms, a tremendous amount of traffic to my blog, and loads of new email subscribers.

If this is your first time here, welcome! Why not stay a while and have a look around?

Would you like to go behind the scenes and watch me draw this piece from start to finish? Click through to join the email list.

Would you like to go behind the scenes and watch me draw this piece from start to finish? Click through to join the email list.

A process video was born.

Since going viral, I've been overwhelmed with requests to go behind the scenes. Fans want to know how I make these drawings. Now, I'm not going to give away all of my secrets, but I did record the entire drawing process from start to finish on my newest piece.

There are parts of this video that were recorded at regular speed, so you can see and understand how I build up my marks, and the rest was recorded in hyperlapse. In just under 5 minutes, you can see the how this drawing was created.

Want to see the video?

Join my email list!

You'll get a link to the video after confirming your email address. Expect emails from me about once a month with more behind the scenes content.  You'll also be first to know about about new work and exclusive sales. It's a party. Trust me!

The drawing that I created during filming is for sale in my shop. Click through to purchase.

The finished drawing that I created during filming.

That's all for now. More next week. Ciao!

I Finally Went Big

Hi there. How are you?

Friends, I finally did it. I went big! It only took 3 months for me to sit down and actually finish this large (for me) 12" x 18" drawing.

I'm pretty darn happy with the results.

I finally finished this large 12" x 18" drawing that I started in September 2016!

I finally finished this large 12" x 18" drawing that I started in September 2016!

It all started in September.

After making several small drawings in this same style, I felt the urge to work on a larger scale. You can see and read more about those earlier pieces HERE.

In September 2016, I found a pad of 12" x 18" paper in my husband's art supply stash and went to work with a red Bic pen. I thought it would be fun to share the process shots that I took along the way. 

Here are the first marks I made.

The first marks of my 12" x 18" abstract ink drawing. I started with the red.

The first marks of my 12" x 18" abstract ink drawing. I started with the red.

The early stages of my abstract ballpoint pen drawing.

The early stages of my abstract ballpoint pen drawing.

Then I added blue.

After a while, I started layering in the royal blue. Adding a second, darker value adds more depth and dimension to the composition. I had considered using black instead of the blue, but the art teacher in me thought better of that. Color in your darks is always a better option. This color combo might be a bit patriotic and maybe cliche. I don't care, I love it!

A work in progress shot of my large abstract ballpoint drawing. See how much more dimension the areas with the blue have than those with just red.

A work in progress shot of my large abstract ballpoint drawing. See how much more dimension the areas with the blue have than those with just red.

A detail section of my still untitled ballpoint pen drawing.

A detail section of my still untitled ballpoint pen drawing.

The last leg

Last Friday, I spent much of the day in the studio. I was determined to finish up this drawing. After a day's work, I took photo of the piece. For some reason when I look at my work on the computer screen, I can better take in the composition as a whole.

After months in the works, this drawing was nearly complete.

After months in the works, this drawing was nearly complete.

Finally finished!

After a few more tweaks, my drawing was finally complete. Yahoo! My next hurdle is to properly photograph it so that I can make prints and/or textiles out of this composition. (Can't you just see this on a pillow?)

The best way I've found to archive my work is to scan it. As this drawing is way to big to fit on my scanner bed, this isn't an option. Hopefully I'll have some time later this week to set up the tripod and my trusty Nikon DSLR and make it happen.

Eventually, I'll frame this piece too. My handy husband is going to help me make custom frames for this new series. No more cradled hardboard mounting and varnishing.....These pieces need to behind some glass! (Well, actually plexiglass.)

Here's what it might look like framed:

Completed and still untitled ballpoint pen drawing in framed mockup.

Completed and still untitled ballpoint pen drawing in framed mockup.

I'm still not sure what color/finish the frame will be. I just know it will be minimal and will hopefully complement and elevate the work.

Want to buy this piece unframed? Just get in touch!

That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed this. I'll be back next week with another post.

Anything you'd like to know about?

Do tell.  I don't have a topic in mind for next week yet.
