
Stocking up on Smalls

Lately, I have been working almost exclusively in a tiny 4" x 4" format. Because they are so small, I can sell them at a very appealing $40-50 price point.

I'm using all sorts of bright, springy colors and all sorts of patterns. If any of these tiny pieces is striking your fancy, do get in touch. All pieces are mounted on 3/4" deep cradled hardboard panel and are ready to hang. 
P.S. This piece is my entry into a contest at Rex Art Supplies. Help me win $100 in art supplies by clicking here and "liking" the photo on Facebook. Thanks much!

Have a fab week! Ta-Ta.

My 2014 Color Palette

Hi there. How are you? 
I can't seem to get enough of this color palette lately. I'm digging that little pop of neon red against the aqua and brown. I've started some new abstracts featuring these hues.

These pieces still need a little touch of ink embellishment, but I'm not quite sure what that will look like yet. I'm going to let the ideas marinate in my brain for a bit. Trying hard not to rush or be too impulsive.  I'll be sure to share these when they're all done.

What colors are speaking to you these days? Do share! Have a fab week. Ta-Ta!