
Weekly iPhoneography

Hi There. How are you?
 Not much to say today.... Here is my week in photos.

I got some more good snaps on my workday walkabout. 

I stopped to visit my friend Heather's roosters along the way. 

We went up to Rockford this weekend to visit Jack. 
He's at the age where he hates when I take his picture, so this is the only one I got. 
Aren't Matt and Jack twinish?

 We spent some time shopping local in downtown Rockford. 
If you live in Rockford and haven't been to the Rockford Art Deli, you're missing out! 
It's an awesome space and you'll enjoy their humorous Rockford themed t-shirts.

I'm obsessed with the late afternoon autumn light these days. 

Matt and I are catching the train down to New Orleans tonight. Expect some great snaps next week. Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. I'm have a stupid big Black Friday Sale. Read about it on the blog later today or tomorrow! 

Weekend iPhoneography

Hi! How was your weekend?

This was the first weekend in ages that we got to stay home and do some more Southern Illinois exploring. As always, I documented our weekend with my trusty iPhone.

On Friday, we tried out a Thai restaurant we'd never been to (yum!), heard some excellent live music at the Carbondale Friday Night Fair, and had a nightcap at Walker's Bluff (the new tasting room is awesome!)

We found this awesome looking caterpillar munching away on our tomato plant.  It's amazing how well camouflaged it was amongst the leaves!

We did a little walking in downtown Carbondale on Saturday.  Trains still run right through downtown. We got caught by this one for a time.

The weather this weekend was incredible! We took advantage of it and did some hiking in the state park. 

I tried out the new panorama feature that came along with the recent iPhone iOS 6 update. 

I'm just enamored with autumn light. It has such a distinct, crisp quality at this time of year.

Lastly, we cooked! (Man, my oven needs cleaning! Ick!) Matt made homemade biscuits complete with lard and bacon drippings. (Yum!) I tried out 2 Pinterest recipes. Crockpot Apple Pie Oatmeal for breakfast and turkey sausage, kale and bean soup for dinner. (Double yum!)

How was your weekend? Do share!