ledger paper

Sneaking in Some Artwork at Work

Today I had a little time to knock out some of my own artwork, while my students were busy on their art.

Measuring just 2.5' X 3.5",  Fanciful Flourish is the first ACEO I've created in while. I forgot how rewarding it can be to work this small. In about an hour, an entire tiny treasure was created! 

I'm really into the ledger paper at the moment. I enjoy the instant pattern it provides in the negative space.

Find Fanciful Flourish on Etsy soon!

Lovin' the Ledger

What Shall I Name This?

I found an old ledger book in the teacher's lounge today. I loved the pattern and color of the grid and decided to use it as a support for my newest collage. The earthy colors of the lines inspired the jewel toned color scheme. Instead of embellishing with black ink, used sepia on this. I had forgotten how much I enjoy that dark brown shade. It creates a nice warmness that black lacks.

I'm not sure what to name this piece. Any suggestions?