
Weekly iPhoneography

Hi. How are you
Daylight Savings is over and the days are getting ever so short. 
The lack of sunlight that winter brings can take a toll on me.  
I'm thankful that these first short days of the season have been bright and sunny. 

This weekend's holiday craft fair didn't go so well, but I did get some quality drawing time in during the show.

I had an exceptionally nice lunch time walkabout at work yesterday. The sky was so blue! 

I hope you are having a nice November week! 
Can you believe that next week is Thanksgiving?
Ta-ta for now.

Weekly iPhoneography

Hi! How are you?

It was a pretty week in Southern Illinois....Kinda hard to believe it's November!

My parents came down for a visit. We took a walk around Campus Lake at SIU. 

Matt on one of the many "diving" boards that dot the lakeshore. 

Matt made Mexican style pickled vegetables. Heavenly!

Have a great rest of the week. Ta-Ta!

Week/Weekend iPhoneography

Hi there! How are you?

My now weekly iPhoto post seems to keep creeping later and later into the week! Better late than never. Right?

The week started out warm and sunny. I wore my flippies to work on Thursday. 
On Friday, winter came. I had to break down and turn on the heat and break out my boots and coats. 

Despite the cold, there was still much goodness to be had at the farmer's market, which runs all the way through November! 

Matt went up to Rockford to visit Jack. 
He attended a Halloween party dressed as Giorgio Tsoukalos of Ancient Aliens fame.

I stayed home and went to see the Woodbox Gang at SIU. 
 I didn't get any good pics of the band but managed to get these of the ceiling and pipe organ.

We had to finally say goodbye to the garden on Sunday. 
Before the frost set in, we were able to pick a slew of green tomatoes.
 I've had them in paper bags since I picked them and they are ripening nicely.

Have a great rest of the week friends! Ta-ta!